The Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS), through its collective vehicle of social solidarity, "SYN-ENOSIS," consistently supports the National Healthcare System, through targeted and multi-level actions. The organization has already donated more than 80,000,000 euros in the fields of health, education, welfare and support for vulnerable groups, including successfully implementing crisis management projects.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, UGS promptly responded to urgent national healthcare needs, timely providing essential medical equipment, renewing hospital bedding in all hospitals in Greece and EKAB and fully renovating sanitary facilities in Attica hospitals.
UGS clearly focuses on improving the quality of public health services offered to Greek citizens. Its latest efforts include the donation of 6 new, fully-equipped and with upgraded features ambulances -bringing the total number of ambulances donated to 28- aiming to immediately enhance the existing ambulance fleet of the National Healthcare System.
“Health is a blessing and the greatest gift for all people. It is our absolute priority to continue to contribute in every possible way to the provision of high-level public healthcare services for all Greek citizens”.
“This project, which directly enhances the country’s emergency services provided by EKAB, is of utmost importance for all citizens and visitors of our country,” Ms. Travlos continued. We consider it our duty, as citizens of this country, to stand by the doctors, nurses, rescuers, who serve the National Healthcare System. The new ambulances facilitate their difficult work and the provision of emergency medical assistance to every person who needs it in every part of our country. I am filled with pride that the Greek shipowning community, both collectively, through SYN-ENOSIS, and individually with private donations of Greek shipowners, has embraced these initiatives, decisively improving EKAB’s performance”, Ms. Travlos concluded.
UGS: 85 Akti Miaouli, 185 38 Piraeus, Tel: + 30 210 42 91 159-65, Fax: + 30 210 42 91 166, +30 210 42 90 107, Email: ugs@ugs.gr, Website: www.ugs.gr
SYN-ENOSIS: 12 Skouze, 185 36 Piraeus, Tel: + 30 210 42 91 300-3, Fax: +30 210 42 91 304, Email: syn-enosis@syn-enosis.gr, Website: www.syn-enosis.gr