Dear exhibitors,
Please pay attention to the following warning:
It has come to our attention that many exhibitors were contacted by companies that claim to be issuing exhibitor directories for Posidonia (including but not limited to VRE, EXPO GUIDE, FAIR GUIDE, GLOBAL INTERNET REGISTER etc).
This is to confirm that Posidonia Exhibitions S.A. is in NO way associated to the companies VRE (published by Your Business at Net GmbH), Expo Guide S.C. (EXPO GUIDE), Construct Data Verlag AG (FAIR GUIDE), Intercable Verlag (GLOBAL INTERNET REGISTER) or any of its activities, directories or products, which are NOT endorsed by Posidonia Exhibitions S.A.
The before mentioned companies are exploiting information to contact exhibitors of Posidonia Exhibitions. Intercable Verlag, Construct Data Verlag AG, Expo Guide S.C. offer “free entries” in their exhibition guides on the internet and mislead exhibitors into signing the form for the entry in the catalogue.
If you receive a letter or entry form from these companies, DO NOT SIGN the form.
The companies have utilised information without the involvement or consent of our company. Their practice is a case of fraud as exhibitors are misled into signing the entry form.
Any exhibitor who has been unfortunate enough to sign Intercable Verlag’s or Construct Data Verlag’s order form under the mistaken impression that it concerned Posidonia’s official catalogue and/or that they were consenting to a free service should NOT pay the invoice. They can contact the Posidonia team on +30 210 42 83 608 for advice on their further course of action.Furthermore, exhibitors are being contacted by companies (such as Asteron Technologies, Stream Liner Eforms etc) claiming to sell the Posidonia visitor list, including contact information. Please note that this claim is false and that Posidonia Exhibitions SA is not in any way associated to these companies. Posidonia Exhibitions SA collects, processes and protects personal data in accordance with the GDPR principles and requirements.
Please find below information on this issue from the Association of event organisers: