Get ready for business
Posidonia continues as the global marketplace for shipbuilders, suppliers of ships’ equipment and shipping-related services. Expect keen interest from technical and commercial executives from Greek and international companies in the busy exhibition halls.
As always, the Posidonia exhibition will be strongly attended by Greek shipowners, and exhibitors will find that their technical and operations managers are keen to investigate the latest equipment, technologies, financial and service offerings.
Greek owners are investing heavily in cutting-edge technology for quality assurance, regulatory compliance and environmental protection. They continue to be the mainstay of the many financial, insurance, classification and professional institutions that are their partners in making such a major contribution to global seaborne trading.
The same is true of buyers from the international organisations that together create the largest commercial gathering in the shipping calendar.
Exhibiting Info
Posidonia 2024 provides both open space options and shell scheme packages, to best meet your needs. We can help you identify which stand option will better help you gain brand recognition and make the most fruitful meetings on the exhibition floor.
As the exhibition area spreads out over 40,000 sqm and exhibition space is divided into Premium A, Premium B and Standard areas, choosing the best stand location and optimum size for your products/services is our priority.
Posidonia Exhibitor package
The Posidonia Exhibitor value package ensures successful participation in the exhibition without the extra costs commonly incurred at many events, such as free listing on the Posidonia Website, Mobile App and Catalogue, no sub-exhbitor fees and many more.
Early booking for the best positions
Returning and new exhibitors are confirming their participation at Posidonia 2024, so early booking is the key to the best locations in the expo centre. The Organisers expert team is here to advise on the best package to meet your sales objectives, including sponsorship and effective, focused advertising, and to make your participation smooth and productive, so you can focus on your business objectives.
Book your space
To let us know your space requirements for Posidonia 2024, please contact us at posidonia@posidonia-events.com