LUKOIL’s NAVIGO MCL Ultra remains one of few low BN cylinder oils that still have a valid ‘No Objection Letter (NOL)’ with all major OEMs. Recently a leading OEM withdrew their approvals for almost all low BN oils in the market, while NAVIGO MCL Ultra has retained its status, and continues to be fully approved by all other major OEMs.
LUKOIL’s NAVIGO MCL Ultra is a 20 BN cylinder oil developed specifically for vessels operating in Emission Control Areas (ECA). “To comply with emission regulations, ships in ECAs run on ultra-low Sulphur fuel <0.1%S (ULSFO) including gas. NAVIGO MCL Ultra continues to provide excellent results”, confirms Jan Thiedeitz, COO of LUKOIL Marine Lubricants, “We still see it as the ideal choice for ULSFO fueled vessels, rather than a higher ash product such as a 40BN cylinder oil.”
LUKOIL Marine is constantly monitoring the performance of their products and the market developments to be able to react swiftly to new challenges with the aim to provide suitable lubricants for every type of fuel.
For further information, please contact:
LUKOIL Marine Lubricants Contact:
Sonja Blumenberg
LUKOIL Marine Lubricants
Corporate Communications
t: +49 40 180 4220 60
e: blumenbergs@lukoil.com
Media Contact:
Kami Paulson
Wake Media Ltd
t: +44 (0) 208 686 1728
e: kami.paulson@wake-media.co.uk
About LUKOIL and LUKOIL Marine Lubricants
LUKOIL is the leading Russian company in oil exploration, production and refining, as well as marketing of petroleum products. In 2007, its subsidiary LUKOIL Lubricants Company, which is the largest manufacturer of oils and greases in Russia, decided to bring this expertise in lubricants technology to the marine industry. LUKOIL Marine Lubricants was founded as a global sales and marketing business focusing on the production and sales of marine lubricants worldwide. Since then the company already positioned itself as technology leader with the introduction of the first 100 BN cylinder oil as the answer to severe corrosive wear issues of modern engines and the development of iCOlube®, an on-board unit for intelligent cylinder oil lubrication.
For more information visit www.lukoilmarine.com