Visit Stand No.1573 in Hall 1 and view the launching of a first time ever specifically designed 3D video by PROJECT CONNECT for Shipping students, and useful for “Adopt a Ship” high- school pupils and anyone interested to walkthrough a contemporary 3-dimensional shipping company environment giving a first 'taste' of what it will be like to work in a real-life shipping company! Sneak preview Project Connect Virtual Shipping Office Tour
Visit the stand also to view the inspiring projects by Elementary & Jr High School students from all parts of Greece, who have been participating in the Adopt a Ship maritime educational program. The exhibit includes a nice sample of the hundreds of amazing artworks from the 138 classes that “adopted” 94 vessels from our most reputable Greek Shipping Companies, this year. Sneak preview Project Connect Adopt a Ship
Learn how PROJECT CONNECT bridges students and schools all over Greece with companies, ships and seafarers, for educating young students about the limitless job opportunities at sea and Maritime professions at shore!
Employers will also see how they can locate ready, willing and able shipping students and Marine Cadets who are eager to work this summer, from PROJECT CONNECT online CV database.
First time ever, created by Shipping business owners and HR Executive Members, in 2015, this non-profit organization’s ONLINE CV PLATFORM was especially created for Greece’s Shipping Students to become visible to the Shipping community and for future employers to easily locate interns and entry level candidates using our system. Unemployed graduates and undergrads CV’s are uploaded only after completion of a screening process and soft skills test that is helpful to HR departments in their selection process. Sneak preview PROJECT CONNECT ONLINE CV PLATFORM