Company profile:
Hexagon Europe, was founded in Greece in 1989. It is the exclusive distributor and marketeer of Lubrication Engineers’ (USA) high-performance lubricants designed for the heavy industries, the shipping industry, off-road and on-road vehicles and passenger cars, the exclusive distributor of Viper WRL, Wire Rope Lubricator (a completely unique system to lubricate and protect wire ropes of any size, of Spillaway Projects, bioremediation products that bioremediate oil spills of any kind from soil or the sea, of ΜΑΚ Chem with a complete line of chemical cleaning products, of Fluitec (USA), a producer of varnish removal fluids, of Elix waterless hand-cleaning towels and other cleaning substances and Delta-Xero® an innovative filtration systems manufacturer of most kind of fluids and fuels, filtering down to 1μm